Sunday, July 15, 2007


2007 年7 月13 日。阔别新加坡五年的张学友,再次回到了室内体育场,开始一连串三天的演出。2002 年,也是7月上中旬,我在室内体育场,观看了生平第一场演唱会,同样的,也是张学友。其实一向来,都蛮沾沾自喜,因为我同张,省日也同时这段期间,他生日10日,我11日。所以,张学友的演唱会,也就是我2002与2007 年最期待的生日礼物。可惜,2002 年,我是带着高烧观看演出,如果并非偶像演出,那时的130块,我都愿意弃权,在家里养病。也正如此,2007 年7 月13日,我一直在等。

张学友4个钟头,不停地唱,跳,演,说,23 年的顶峰光辉,在40首耳熟能详,亦熟亦疏的歌曲中,让万名观众回味不尽。观众席,座无缺席,比学友年轻20岁的20初的也有,比他大20岁的60多的亦有!看着整体观众,随着1991年的《每天爱你多一些》慢摇,2003 年的《讲你知》挥手,我顿觉得,有了张学友,还哪有什么代沟?我只能想象,这些歌,对体育场中的多少对夫妇,情人,又有着多少个回忆呢?


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Happy 22nd Birthday.

Today is my 22nd birthday. Went out with my aunty and dad for tim sum buffet in the afternoon, followed by kopi at sin ming with my uncle and then dinner at tampines round market with my siblings, dad and aunty. And, thus completes the twenty-second year of little cexiang's life.

I think on one's birthdays, I normally reflect on two things. The first being gratefulness to my parents, and the second, on the amount of joy that I have brought to people around me. Every baby that is born brings much excitement and happiness to his family. I hope that as al babies grow older, they only bring such happiness to an increasing number of people, at least, maintain that for their families.

I do hope my existence continues to bring laughter and happiness to people around me! Thank you for all the well wishes, thank you very much!